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Established 1998   

HJUSA Hand Engine Database
If you have any updated info on these engines please let us know!

Name  -  Builder  -  Serial Number  -  Location  -  Piston Size  -  History

Yale    Jeffers    1853   Wakefield, MA    10"    Double deck engine; delivered to S. Reading, MA; sold to Wakefield, MA, destroyed in a fire in 1899.

Yankee    Hunneman    1809    21    Amherst, NH

Yankee    Roberts    Worcester, MA.

Yankee    Smith    Pittsfield, MA    Delivered to New York City as "NEPTUNE #6"; sold to Troy NY and renamed "HOPE #6" ; acquired by Pittsfield, MA VFA around
                                                        1896; now in a Pittsfield museum; possibly a gooseneck engine.

Yantic #5    Waterman    Yantic, CT    8"

Yosemite #1    Hunneman    1849    369    Chester, VT    5"    Delivered to Brunswick, ME as "NIAGARA #3"; sold to Chester, VT 6/10/1871.

Young America    Waterman    1857            Norwich, CT   

Young America   Button    Los Angeles, CA

Young America    Button    Elmira, NY

Young America    Button    Urland, OH

Young America    Cowing    1857    Brockville, Ontario, Cananda    8"

Young America    1862        Covialler, OR          original cost $6000 arrived in 1862 at San Francisco MONUMENTAL #6"; sold to Corvallis, OR in 1872 for $2000.

Young America #13    Hunneman    1856    581   Petaluma, CA    6"    Delivered to San Francisco, CA; sold to Petaluma, CA in 1868.

Young America #2    Hunneman    1854    535    Seattle, WA    6"    Delivered to Salem, MA; traded to Hunneman & rebuilt in 1861; sold to San Francisco, CA; sold to
                                                                                                           Vancouver, WA in 1866; now at Hall of Fire Engines, Seattle, WA.

Young America #2    Hunneman    1857    603   Canton, MO    6"    Delivered to Keokuk, IA.; sold to Canton, MO.

Young America #2    Hunneman    1858    626    Machias, ME    6"    Destroyed 1942.

Young America #3    Cowing    1859    Niagara Falls, NY
Young America #6    Crockett    1854    Portland, ME     6 1/2"        See "DAVIDSON ENG 6"

Young America #6    Smith    Poughkeepsie, NY    8"    In a museum at Monroe, NY.

Young America #2    Jeffers    1856    New Bedford, MA

Young Mechanic    Agnew    1854    Middleboro, MA    8"           See "YOUNG MECHANIC #2"

Young Mechanic #6    Agnew    1854    New Bedford, MA    8"    Delivered to New Bedford MA; rebuilt by Wm. Jeffers in 1856; sold to Middleboro, MA in 1866; later
                                                                                                         to Matapoisett, MA; to Franklin Reed in 1940 for $100; Returned to Middleboro 1989.

Ypolarth    Button    Ypslanti, MI

Yreka #1    Hunneman    1858    615    Yreka, CA    5 1/4"

Yremuri #2    Hunneman    1859    645    Matanzas, Cuba    5"

Yuba    Button    Marysville, CA


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