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Established 1998

HJUSA Hand Engine Database
If you have any updated info on these engines please let us know!

Name  -  Builder  -  Serial Number  -  Location  -  Piston Size  -  History

O    Cowing    1860    Olean, NY

O' Fallen    Hunneman    1847    322    Belleville, IL    6 1/2"    Delivered to St. Louis, MO; sold to Belleville, IL in 1859.

O.F.    Hunneman    1854    532    Minila, Phillippine IS.    6"

Oakley #2    Hunneman    1854    508    Tiffin, OH    5 1/2"

Oakwood    Rumsey   1890        Port Hope, Ont                    bought new by Oakwood, Ontario, on loan to the Canadian Firefighter's Museum in Port Hope
Ocean    Button    Peabody, MA

Ocean    Button    Chatham, NY    10"        See Gen Taylor

Ocean    Button    Randolph, MA          attended muster with 3 engines in Braintree, MA 8/21/1897

Ocean    Hunneman    1849    359    Nashville, TN    5 1/2"    Engine was destroyed in the late 1860s.

Ocean    Jeffers    1859    Knightsville, RI    9"    Delivered to Nashville,TN as "DELUGE"; saw service in Cairo, IL; to Pocasset VFA, Cranston, RI (Knightsville RI)
                                                                              and given current name. Now at Cranston Firefighter's Museum, Cranston, RI.

Ocean    Jeffers    1859    Nashville, TN

Ocean    Smith    1856    Geneva, NY    10"    Geneva, NY purchased the engine in 1867; sold to Hingham, MA VFA in 1901; was at H.V. Smith Museum, NY.

Ocean    Smith    Milwaukee, WI

Ocean    Albany, NY

Ocean #1    Jeffers    1859    Oakland, RI    9"

Ocean #3    Button    Brockton, MA    Delivered to Stoughton, MA; sold to Brockton, MA in 1889.

Ocean #3    Button    Greenbush, NY    Delivered to Springfield, MA; to Greenbush, NY there in 1915.

Ocean #3    Jeffers    1858    1262    Springfield, MA    10"    Delivered to the Western RR; sold with hose cart to Seymour, CT in 1882 for $600; replaced by
                                                                                                 Button steamer in 1884, maintained in reserve status; believe scapped in 1898

Ocean #3    Leslie    Danvers, MA    6 1/2"

Ocean #4    Crockett    1853    Portland, ME   6 1/2"            delivered 4/9/1853 cost $1000; sold 1867/68

Ocean #4    Thayer      1837    Portland, ME                        engine cost $1000, company organized 3/24/1837; out of service 1853, sold 1854/55

Ocean #4    Howard & Davis    1850    Oxford, ME    7"    Originally sold to Portsmouth, NH as "PISCATAQUA"; to Oxford, ME and given current name; still there.

Ocean #7    Hunneman    1835    158    Providence, RI    Engine was sold in 1847.

Ocean #7    Hunneman    1847    308    Cumberland, RI    7"    Delivered to Providence, RI; sold Cumberland, RI in 1854.

Ocean #7    Hunneman    1852    459    Cincinnati, OH    7"    Delivered to Cincinnati, OH operated by Union FC#9, last hand engine bought by Cincinnati;
                                                                                                 sold to Springfield, OH in 1857; used by Rover Fire Co, until 1873.

Ocella    Wright    Michigan City, MI

Octina    Button    1882    683    Christiania, PA    9"

Ogdenburg #1    Button    Orgenburg, NY

Ogonez    Jeffers    1860    Oak Harbor, OH            possibly at Sanducky, OH at one time

Ohio    P. Lyons    1813            Cincinnati, OH                was operated by Washington FC#1

Ohio #3    Agnew    1850    New Bedford, MA

Ohio Washington #1    1813                Cincinnati, OH

Ohio Washington #1    Farnum    1849    19        Cincinnati, OH

Okommakamesit #1    Howard & Davis    1849    Carrolton, IN    Purchased by Marlborough, MA.

Okommakamesit #2    Button 1861    551   Marblehead, MA    10"    Delivered to Harrisburg, PA. as "GOOD WILL", cost $2000; traded in towards a steam fire engine;
                                                                                                          sold to Marlborough, MA in 1869 for $1400 and given current name; sold to Phoenix Vets of
                                                                                                          Marblehead, MA for $300; still there. NESVFL Champs-1903 and 1922.

Olantangry #1    Hunneman    1846    301    Delaware, OH    5"    Traded in 1870 for a steam engine.

Old Betsy    Jeffers    1853    Sierra, CA.    10"    At Sierra Confrence Center, Sierra, CA.

Old Bill    Button    1859    508    Georgetown, MA    10"    Delivered to Waterbury, CT as "PHOENIX"; to Red Bank, NJ renamed "RELIEF #1"; to Pennington, NJ
                                                                                               and given it's current name; to Georgetown, MA in 1914; destroyed in a fire at it's station 1915.

Old Black Joke    Button    1874    West Sand Lake, NY    6"

Old Brass Back    Lote    1743    New York, NY    First successful engine manufactured in New York.

Old Crocodile    Ludlum    1820    Green Bay, WI    Used by the U.S. Army at Fort Howard; sold to Germania Fire Co. in 1858 for $250.

Old Forgotten    Holland    1815    Bethel, CT    4"

Old Fort    Hunneman    1840    192    Concord, NH    5 1/2"    Engine was stationed at East Concord, NH; sold to Wilton, NH.

Old Hay Wagon    Waterman    New York, NY    9 1/2"

Old Joe    1861    Button            West Sand Lake, NY

Old Lady    Rodgers    1821        Frederick, MD                built for Baltimore City, rebuilt by Rodgers in 1847, purchased bu the United Steam Fire Eng. Co of
                                                                                            Fredericks in 1859, owned by the United VFC of Libertytown, MD from 1880 to 1932, at United Equitable
                                                                                             Society Museum till 2004. now at Frederick, MD

Old Maid    Ludlum    1820s    New York, NY

Old Neptune #6    Wm. Platt    Pittsfield, MA    Originally known as "NEPTUNE SIX", "LITTLE SIX", and "BEAN SOUP"; to Troy, NY; to Charles Barker of the Barker
                                                                             Woolen Mills, Pittsfield, MA.

Old North #1    Thayer    1794    Boston, MA    5"

Old Rock    Smith    1859    New York, NY    9 1/2"

Old Rough & Ready    Button    1859    Harpers Ferry, VA    This engine was present at the fire house when seized by John Brown.

Old Sacramento #1    Hunneman    1854    511    Seattle, WA    6 1/2'    Delivered to Sacramento, CA as "SACRAMENTO #3"; sold to Seattle, WA in 1876
                                                                                                                 renamed "OLD SACRAMENTO #1"; now at Seattle Museum of Science & Industry.

Old Settler    Thayer    1803    Wiscassett, ME    At Wiscassett, ME.

Old Stag    Van Ness    1853    New York, NY    8"

Old Susan    Cowing    Minneapolis, MN       Brooklyn Center, MN size 4 Crane neck; came from Minneapolis, MN.

Old Union     Newsham    1748    Salem, MA

Olive Branch #3    Thayer    1835    Arlington, MA

Oliver    Gleason & Bailey    1879    Mendocino, CA    7"

Oliver #3    New York, NY

Onondaga #1    Cowing    1860    Skaneatles, NY

Ontario #1    Hunneman    1848    354    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada    5 1/2"

Operation    Smith    Detroit, MI

Orange #1    Hunneman    1863    668    Orange, MA    6"

Oregon    Button    1858    Topsham, ME

Oregon                  1844    Cincinnati, OH                    operated by Northern FC#7

Oregon    Hunneman    1847    327    Dayton, OH    5 1/2"

Oregon #1    Hunneman    1857    595    Dayton, OH    8"

Oregon #11    Agnew    1846    New Bedford, MA.

Oregon #11    New York, NY

Oregon #3     Button    1850    Milwaukee, WI

Oregon #7    Milwaukee, WI

Oriskany        Smith    1871        Oriskany Falls, NY

Osceola #1    Button    1858    Michigan City, MI    10"

Osgood        Rumsey    1886            Osgood, IN                    in service till 1923
Ottauquechee #3    Hunneman    1826    120    Woodstock, VT    Delivered to Salem, MA as "RAPID #2"; traded to Hunneman in 1863 and rebuilt; sold to Woodstock, VT
                                                                                                     1/22/2873 and given current name.
Ousamequin    Hunneman    1850    398    West Bridgewater, MA     Delivered to Bridgewater, MA as "TORRENT #1"; to West Bridgewater, MA; this engine is at the
                                                                                                            W. Bridgewater, MA Fire Dept.

Out Cast    Geneva, NY

Oxford #2    P. Mason    1805    New Bedford, MA

Oxford Bear #2    Hunneman    1851    442    Norway, ME    6"    Built for Norway, ME; NESVFL Class B Champ 1995.

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