HJUSA Hand Engine Database
If you have any updated info on these engines please
let us know!
Name - Builder -
Serial Number - Location - Piston Size -
K Hunneman 1807 17 Kennebunk, ME
Kalamazoo Button Ypsilanti, MI 9"
Kalamazoo #1 Jeffers Kalamazoo, MI 10"
Katherine Adams Jeffers 1853 Burlington, VT 10" Double deck engine; originally
named "NIAGARA #4".
Katonah Cowing 1875 Katonah, NY 4 1/2" Delivered to Katonah, NY, still there and
Kendotak Jeffers Madison, WI
Kennebec Leslie 1847 Bath, ME 6" Winner of the first muster in Bath, ME, In
service until 1872; still there.
Kennebec #1 Button 1867 585 Westbrook, ME 9 1/4" See
Kennebec #1 Hunneman 1792 1 Bath, ME 4" Delivered to Bath, ME as "EXPERIMENT",
and later renamed to current name; sold in 1847.
Kennett #1 Cowing 1860 Kennett Square, PA 8" Delivered to the Reliance Fire Co.
of Philadelphia, PA; sold in 1875 to Kennett Square, PA for $575;
7 1/2" stroke
and 18' brakes.
Kinderhook #2 Waterman 1853 Kinderhook, NY 8"
King Philip Jeffers 1859 Bristol, RI 9"
King Philip Waterford. NY
King Philip #1 Hunneman 1869 701 Rockland, MA 5 1/2" Delivered to East
Abington, MA; sold to Rockland, MA and renamed current name.
Knickerbocker Button 1872 Waterford, NY 10"
Knickerbocker Smith 1849 Petaluma, CA
Konohassett Button 1856 404 Cohassett, MA 10" Delivered to the
Brooklyn Arsenal; to Glen Cove, NY in 1887; to Cohassett, MA, in 1912 and
given current
name; to SPNEA in 1943; to Cohassett in 1990 still there.
Konoko #1 Button 1853 Sold at auction in Sennet, NY on 10/27/2002
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