Name - Builder -
Serial Number - Location - Piston Size -
Q Button 1856 428 Qiuncy, MA
Quaboag #2 Hunneman 1847 315 Lynn, MA
6 7/8" Delivered to Lynn, MA as "FOUNTAIN #3";
traded to Hunneman in 1859 for a new engine
H#651; sold 3/1/1865 to Warren, MA
and given current name, still there
Quansigamog Hunneman 1853 475 Bath, ME 6" Delivered to Hopkinton, MA; loaned to
Franklin VFA of Worcester, MA, in 1911; sold in 1948
to Torrent VFA of Bath, ME;
loaned to Winnisimett VFA of Chelsea, MA renamed
"WINNISIMETT #2"; returned to
Bath, ME and given current name in 1962. NESVFL Class B
Champ 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022
Quansigamond Howard & Davis 1853 Shrewsbury, MA 6 1/2" At the central station.
Perry 1851
Ontario, Canada
was at Brookville, Ontario; sold to Upper Canada Village living history Park in
Queen City
Cincinnati, OH
operated by Fulton FC#6, later renamed Eastern FC#6
Quick Step Holland 1810 Bolton, MA 4'
Quinapac Fairhaven, NY
Quininapac Sizlexon & Sickles East Haven, CT
Quinonbequin Hunneman 1853 474 Hopkinton, MA Delivered to Hopkinton, MA; to So.
Grafton, MA; to Franklin Reed in 1946; Destroyed by fire
1972, remaining pieces
purchased by Vince Jarosz 3/99.
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