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Established 1998

HJUSA Hand Engine Database
If you have any updated info on these engines please let us know!

Name  -  Builder  -  Serial Number  -  Location  -  Piston Size  -  History

L    Button    1851    Ludlow, MA
L    Button    1855    Lakewood, RI    9"    See "CASCADE #2"

L    Button    1871    595    Lanesboro, PA

L    Button    1873   612    Loudenville, OH

L    Button    1883    685    Lewistown, MT    9 1/4"    Delivered to Fort Benton, MT; to Lewistown, MT.

L    Button Lauren, SC    9 1/4"

 L    Button      Lafayette, IN

L    Gleason & Bailey    1855    LaCenter, WA

L    Hunneman    1821    69    Lancaster, MA    Delivered to Lancaster Manufacturing Co.

L    Hunneman    1824    105    Larrence MA    Delivered to Essex Mills.

L    Hunneman    1837    174    Lexington, MA     See East Village #1

L    R. Mason    1791    Albany, NY    Delivered to Lansingburg, PA, was functional as late as 1905; now at NYSM.

L.     Button       1845    Lafayette, IN       Now at Five Points Fire Museum, Lafayette, IN(2022)

L.    Button Fire Co #1    Button    Findley, OH

L.H.    Hunneman    1854    533    Manila, Philippines    6"

L.V. Spaulding #5   Jeffers    1849    Haverhill, MA    10"     Delivered to Haverhill, MA named "GEORGE W. LEE", named changed to current between
                                                                                       1863 and 1871.

La Parisienne    Hunneman    1857    587    Valparaiso, Chile    8"    Arrived in Valparaiso on 8/7/1857; sold Aug.1882 to the 1st Company of Firefighters
                                                                                                    in the city of Rancagua for 600 pesos. Destroyed in fire at it's station 1/10/1928.

Lackawanna #1    Smith                Rondout, NY

Lady Washington    Smith    Yonkers, NY

Lady Washington    Smith    1851                    Morrisiana, NY

Lady Washington #40    Smith    1860    New York, NY    8 1/2"

Lady Washington #40    Torboss    1856    New York, NY   8 1/2"    Nickname "The White Ghost".

Lafayette    Smith    1849    Weverville, CA

Lafayette    Farnum    1847    3    Cincinnati, OH                     operated by Marion FC #8

Lafayette                  1844            Cincinnati, OH                     operated by Marion FC #8

Lafayette #10    Jeffers    1859    Troy, NY    10"

Lafayette #19    Jeffers    1860    Ft. Monroe, WI    8 1/2"    1861 To Ft. Monroe, WI.

Lafayette #19    Jeffers    1860    New York, NY    10"

Lafayette #19    Smith    1849    New York, NY    9 1/2"

Lafayette #3    Thayer    1843    Nashua, NH    6 1/2"    Originally sold to Dedham, MA.

Lafayette #4    Agnew    1853    Washington, DC

Lafayette #4    Agnew    1844    Newark, NJ

Lafayette #4    Hunneman    1826    115    Lancaster, NH    Delivered to Salem, MA; traded to Hunneman and rebuilt; sold in 1864 to Lancaster, NH.

Lafayette #4    Smith    1834    Newark, NJ    Taken out of service 12/30/1844.

Lafayette #6    Button    1843    Worcester, MA    9 1/2"

Lake Erie #11    Hunneman    1855    541    Cleveland, OH    6 1/2"    Delivered to Cleveland, OH; sold to Deleware, OH in 1863; in 1874 it was sold as
                                                                                                       partial payment towards steam fire engine.

Laporte #1    Jeffers    1860    South Bend, IN    10"    Delivered to Laporte, IN; later to South Bend, IN.

Lawrence    Hunneman    1850    394    Amherst, NH    6"    Delivered to Worcester, MA as "TORRENT #4"; sold to Amherst, NH and renamed current

Lawrence #1    Hunneman    1875    740    Groton, MA    4 1/2"    Delivered to Groton, MA; acquired by SPNEA; sold back to Groton, MA in 1989;
                                                                                                  still there.

Lawrence Vet    Hunneman    1850    377    Lawrence, MA    6"    Delivered to Manchester, NH, as "MASSABESIC #4"; sold to Groton, MA in 1860
                                                                                                        and renamed "PAUGUS"; sold to Amesbury,MA in 1870 renamed
                                                                                                "MERRIMACK #2"; to Lawrence,MA VFA in 1886 and renamed current name; to
                                                                                                 Alton Bay, NH in 1886; destroyed in 1940 in building collapse.

Leland    Rumsey    1883    Stanford, CA    4"    Purchased by Mr. Leland Stanford to protect his ranch properties.West Coast Class C Champs 1964.
                                                                       1965 and 1966.

Lexington #1    Howard & Davis    1856    Lexington, MA

Lexington #7    Smith                        1855     New York, NY

Liberty    Button    Lincoln, ME    10"

Liberty    Smith    Jackson, MI    8 1/2"

Liberty      1819      Cincinnati, OH                 operated by Independence FC #3

Liberty    Holland    1830    Lexington, MA            2 wheel bucket tub

Liberty    Button    1856   431    Vigginia City, NV   10"       Delivered to Marysville, CA to Knickerbocker Eng. Co. #5 named "KNICKERBOCKER #5"
                                                                                        cost $3500; to Virginia City, NV in 1870; to Sutro, NV; renamed "OUR OWN" in 1879; to
                                                                                        Dauton, NV in 1894 and renamed "KNICKERBOCKER #5; to Arcadia, CA in 1922; sold to
                                                                                       Parker Lyon Pony Express Museum in 1936; sold with museum in 1955 to W. Harrah, Reno,
                                                                                       NV; sold in 1982 to Comstock Lode Fire Museum Virginia City,NV and given current name       

Liberty #1    Dodd & Ward    1819 Newark, NJ    Original cost $1500.    Taken out of service 1/1836.

Liberty #1    Jeffers    Peabody, MA    10"    Delivered to Marshall, MI; 1906 to Chelsea, MA ; 1921 to Quincy, MA VFA ; 1923 to Peabody VFA.

Liberty #1    Smith    1850    Newark, NJ    8"    In service until 9/5/1862.

Liberty #2    Button    1873    610    Amesbury, MA    10"    Delivered to Gold Hill, NV as "LIBERTY" cost $3200; to Lowell, MA in 1910 $450 &
                                                                                               renamed "GENERAL BUTLER", later renamed "LIBERTY"; East Providence, RI in 1915;
                                                                                               to Amesbury, MA in 1949; location currently unknown, may have been know 
                                                                                                 as "LOWELL VETS" at one time.

Liberty #2    Button Jackson, MI    10"

Liberty #3    Jeffers    1858    Jackson, MI    10"

Liberty Fire Co.    Cowing    1860    Houston, TX.    Cost new $2,000.

Lindham    Dubaque, IN

Lion    Hunneman    1818    51    Hallowell, ME    3"

Lion    Hunneman    1840    194    North Andover, MA    3"    Delivered to Andover, MA as "FLANNEL MILL"; now owned by Mr. Abbott Stevens and is on
                                                                                          display at the North Andover Historical Society.

Lion    P. Lyons?    1792    Springfield, MA    In service until 1824 and in reserve until 1844. Double deck engine (possibly built by Pat Lyons of
                                                                   Philadelphia, PA); traded to Waterman for"Cataract".

Lion #2    Rumsey   1875     Southborough, MA        4 1/2""        Delivered to Dedham, MA; to Westwood, MA when East Dedham became
                                                                                        Westwood in 1897; to FD Newton VFA of Southborough, MA July 10, 2024

Lion    Thayer    1844    Brookline, NH    6"

Little Giant    Kingsford SA    1875    Townsend, MA

Little Giant    Kingsford SA    Coventry, RI

Little Giant #1    Hunneman    1873    728    St. Cloud, MN    5 1/2"

Live Oak    Button    1833    Amherst, OH    10"    Delivered to Philadelphia, OH; to Cleveland, OH; to Amherst, OH in 1865.

Live Oak    Button    1860    544    Dunville, Ontario, Canada    9 1/4"    Delivered to Springfield, IL; to Dunville, Ontario and there in 1901, also served
                                                                                                          Buffalo, NY.

Live Oak    Button    1891    737    Rockville Center, NY    8"
Live Oak    Smith    1830    New York, NY

Live Oak    Van Ness    1861    Somerville, MA    10"

Live Oak #44    Van Ness    1861    New York, NY

Logan    Hunneman    1854    510    Logansport, IN    5"    Originally named "SUMMIT #1"; renamed current name in 1880; later sold to Caswell &
                                                                                      Company as partial payment towards 500 feet of hose.

Los Angeles #1    Hunneman    1853    498    Los Angeles, CA    6"

Louisiana #10    Cowing    1860    New Orleans, LA

Lowell #2    Hunneman    1824    96    Chelmsford, MA    Delivered to the Boott Cotton Mills, Chelmsford, MA as "ROCKET #3", later given current
                                                                                     name; destroyed in 1886.

Lowell #9    Hunneman    1848    347    Lowell, MA    Delivered to the Lawrence Mfg. Co..

Lowell Vet    Smith    Lowell, MA    10"    Delivered to Nunds. NY; sold to Lowell, MA VFA before 1908; scrapped or sold in 1911.

Lowell Vets    Button    1873        Lowell, MA    10"        See "LIBERTY #2"
Lyons    Button    Lyons, IA



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