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Established 1998

HJUSA Hand Engine Database
If you have any updated info on these engines please let us know!

Name  -  Builder  -  Serial Number  -  Location  -  Piston Size  -  History

D    Hunneman    1822    74    Dover, NH

D    Hunneman    1826    118   Dover, NH    Cotton Mills

D    Hunneman    1834    154    Duxbury, MA

D    Hunneman    1844    231    Dorchester, MA

D    Hunneman   1844    233    Dorchester, MA

D                                              Doylestown, PA        at Mercer Museum, Bucks County, Doylesville, PA

D.A. Taggart    Button    Goffstown, NH    10"    See SAMUEL P GATES"

D.A. Taggart    Hunneman    1849    373    Goffstown, NH    6 1/4"    Delivered to Stoneham, MA as "GEN. WORTH #2"; sold to Goffstown, NH in 1885
                                                                                                      name changed to "D.A.TAGGART"; still there. NESVFL
                                                                                                      Class B Champs 1959,1961.

D.D. Tomkins    Albany, NY

Damper #4    Smith Hartford, CT    6 1/2"

Daniel Webster #3    Hunneman    1854    505    Malden, MA   6"

Daniel Webster #5     Howard & Davis    1854    Cambridge, MA.

Danvers #2    Hunneman    1822    80    Danvers, MA

Danvers #2    Thayer    1800    Danvers, MA, Mills    5"

 Darby Ram            Darby, PA                Bought from Camden, NJ in 1833, retired from service 1922; said to be built in England 1749, possibly a
                                                              Cooper built around the time they got it

David Nevins    Waterman    1826    Victory Mills, NY   8"

David Nevins #9    Button    1848    Victory Mills, NY    9"    The longest known stream was 216' 8" in 1900. Pump stolen during WWII. Owned by David
                                                                                        Nevins Fire Co. Victory Mills, NY.; There 1999

Davidson Eng 6   Crockett   1854     Portland, ME     6 1/2"        original cost $1000 Company disbanded 1/7/1856; reorganized as "TORRENT ENG 6";
                                                                                              renamed current name in 1857 in honor of former Chief Engineer Charles Davidson; sold
                                                                                               in 1865

Davy Crockett    Hunneman    1834    152    Machias, ME    4 1/2"    Destroyed in a 1942 scrap drive.

Davy Crockett #7    Thayer    1829    Lowell, MA    5 1/2"

Deaf Joe    Thayer   1811    Leicester, MA    Originally to Leicester, MA; to Oxford, MA 1920; back to Leicester in 2000.

Debedon    Mechanicsville, NY

Defender    Button    1872    606?    Weymouth, MA    10"    Delivered to Shelby, OH as "SHELBY #1"; to East Weymouth, MA in 1900 renamed
                                                                                         "DEFENDER"; to Taunton, MA in 1908 for $800; leased to Bristol, RI in 1919; later owned
                                                                                          by a Mr. Tower, destroyed in 1930s

Defiance    Button    1860    536    Westerly, RI    12"    Delivered to Brockville, Canada; to Fall River, MA in 1898; to Riverside, RI; in 1923; to North
                                                                                  Kingston, RI in 1926; to Bristol, RI; to Westerly, RI in 1960. NESVFL Class Champs 1923, 1924,
                                                                                 1927, 1952(A) and 1955(A).

Defiance    Jeffers    1859    Chelsea, MA    11"

Defiance    Jeffers    1860    Niles, MI    10"

Defiance    Smith     Marietta, OH

Defiance    Wooster, OH

Defiance #1    Button    1864   Glen Falls, NY   9 1/4"   Company in existence until the 1930's.

Defiance #2    Wright Niles, MI    9"

Deleware    Button    1856    Trenton, NJ    9 1/2"

Deluge                                    Augusta, ME

Deluge        Jeffers                Acton, MA                delivered to N. Brookfield, MA (there in 1882); sold to Acton, MA in 1915

Deluge   Button   1859   491   Lowell, MA   12 1/2"   Delivered to Dayton, OH; to Wapekonetoe, OH in 1897; to Somerville, MA in 1898; to Gardner, MA
                                                                              in 1900 for $825; to Lowell, MA in 1903; destroyed in 1917. May have also been in Taunton &
                                                                             Gloucester, MA at one time.

Deluge    Button    N. Hampton, MA

Deluge    Button    Marshall, MI    9"

Deluge    Chase & Semour     1833              Cincinnati, OH       operated by Independent FC#2

Deluge    Howard & Davis    Berwick, ME

Deluge    Hunneman    1848    340    Berwick, ME    Delivered to Lowell, MA, as "#14"; to Bleachery Mills, Somersworth, NH; to Berwick, ME.

Deluge    Hunneman   1851   435   Dayton, OH    5 1/2"

Deluge    Hunneman   1854   530   Melbourne, Astralia   5 1/2"

Deluge    Hunneman   1854   497    Nashville, TN   6"    Engine was destroyed in the 1860's.

Deluge    Leslie    Bucksport, ME

Deluge    Newsham    1791    Schoharie, NY

Deluge    Thayer   1804    Hancock Village, NH    5"

Deluge   Thayer    1814    Castine, ME    Originally named "HANCOCK", later renamed. Used by British Troops during War of 1812.

Deluge #1    Cowing     1861    Newark, NY    

Deluge #1    Cowing    1859   Newark, NJ   Original price $350.

Deluge #1    Hunneman   1848   348   Keene, NH   5 1/2"   At central fire station.

Deluge #1    Hunneman    1851    441   Clarksville, TN   5 1/2"    Destroyed in a fire in April 1878.

Deluge #1    Hunneman    1854    512    Mansfield, OH    6 1/2"

Deluge #1    Jeffers    1851    N. Hampton, MA    9"                       See "MERCER"

Deluge #1    Jeffers                Great Falls, NH                            There in 1878

Deluge #2    Hunneman    1853    479    St. Johnsbury, VT    4 1/2"    Delivered to St. Johnsbury, VT; sold to A.H. Goldberg of W. Burke, VT; parts sold
                                                                                                      to Franklin Reed in 1942; auctioned by SPNEA 1991; parts combined with H#270
                                                                                                      to make engine "FRANKLIN REED 75" at the AHFES.

Deluge #2    Jeffers    1850    N. Brookfield, MA    Destroyed in a fire.

Deluge #2    Thayer    1823    Peterborough, NH    4 1/4"

Deluge #3    Button    1867    Bath, ME    9"    See "HYDRANT"

Deluge #3    Jeffers                Nashville, TN                                There in 1859

Deluge #3    Jeffers                Crompt Falls, NH       9"                      There in 1871

Deluge #3    Cowing    1861    Adrian, MI

Deluge #3    Hunneman    1812    33    Pawtucket, RI     Delivered to Pawtucket, RI as "BLUE JAY #2", later renamed "DELUGE #3".

Deluge #3    Hunneman    1838    178    Bath, ME    5 1/2"    Delivered to Bath, ME ; engine was sold in 1874 to a General Hyde for $800.

Deluge #3    Hunneman    1846    289    Claremont, NH    5 1/2"

Deluge #3    Hunneman    1846    287    Nashville, TN    5 1/2"    Destroyed.

Deluge #3    Smith    1838    Pawtucket, RI    6 1/2"    Gooseneck engine.

Deluge #4    Button   1851    Dayton, OH    12 1/2"

Deluge #4    Hunneman    1854    525    Hermon, NY    6"    Delivered to Saco, ME; sold to Hermon, NY in 1915.

Deluge#7   Merrick & Agnew    1827     Portland, ME         company organized 4/5/1827, Was a Double decker machine; originally named "Deluge",#7
                                                                                       added 1832; sold in 1851

Deluge #7    Crockett    1851    Portland, ME      6 1/2"        cost $1200; disbanded in 7/16/1860

Deluge #8    Hunneman    1836    Eastport, ME    5 1/2"

Deluge #8    Hunneman    1847    334    Gloucester, MA    6"    Delivered to Gloucester, MA as "#6", later changed to "#8"; sold to a Mr. John Smith in

Deluge #8    Hunneman    1871    717    Lubec, ME    5 1/2"    Delivered to Gloucester, MA as "DEFIANCE #5"; sold to Eastport, ME in 1883 & renamed
                                                                                            current name; later sold to Lubec, ME.

Des Moines #1    Hunneman    1856    574    Burlington, IA    6"

Denver    Gleason & Bailey     1867             Denver, CO        4"     Purchased by Denver in 1867; now at Denver Fire Museum

Despatch #2    Hunneman    1806    12    Lynn, MA    3"    Scrapped in 1847 when company disbanded.

Despatch #2    Hunneman    1845    271    Athol, MA    5"    At Athol Fire Station.

Despatch #9    Thayer    1794    Boston, MA    5"

Detroit #1    Smith    Detroit, MI    9"

Detroit #12    Jeffers    1860    Detroit, MI    10"

Detroit #5    Jeffers    Detroit, MI    9"

Detroit #6    Cowing    Detroit, MI    10"

Detroit #8    Jeffers    Detroit, MI    9"

Detroit #9    Smith    1857    Detroit, MI

Dewcky    Button    1879    Elmore, OH        9 1/4"

Dewitt    Snook    Oxford, MA    7 1/2"

Dewitt Clinton    Jeffers    1853    Lockport, NY    9"

Dewitt Clinton    Snook    Lockport, NY

Dexter    Hunneman    1815    39    Newport, NH    Delivered to Worcester, MA as "DESPATCH"; sold to Newport, NH & renamed "DEXTER"; in 1956
                                                                           returned to Worcester.
Returned to Newport, NH in 1961 or Town's 200 Anniversary, restored.
                                                                             Now on display at Bar Harbor Bank, Main St. Newport, NH

Dexter #1    Hunneman    1847   328    Montgomery, AL.    5 1/2"    Engine was traded when Montgomery purchased a steam engine in 1871.

Dexter #1    Hunneman    1870    714    Nahant, MA    5"
Diligence   Lyons    1809    Bethlehem, PA    6"

Dirigo    Jeffers   Ellsworth, ME    10"                                   There in 1889

Dirego    Smith    Ellsworth, ME    9"    214' 9 3/4" long stream.

Dirigo #1    Hunneman   1856    573     Old Town, ME    5 1/2"    Scrapped in 1948.

Dirigo #3    Hunneman    1853    472    Vinal Haven, ME    5 1/2"    Delivered to Rockland, ME; to Vinal Haven, ME in 1883.

Dirigo #8    Cowing    1853    Portland, ME    9"

Dirigo #8    Crockett   1852     Portland, ME   6 1/2"       original cost $1000; sold 1882; possibly mistaken for a Cowing engine 9" 1853 of same name.
Dog Island    Cambridge, MA

Dolores    Hunneman    1856    569    Manila, Phillipines    6"

Dorchester    Dorchester, MA

Dorigo    Springfield, ME

Dover    Hunneman    1844    232    Brewster, MA    Delivered to Dorchester, MA; sold to Dover, NH where it got it's current name; was at NEFHM at
                                                                              one time.

Dowagie    Button    Dowagie, MI    10"

Dresser   Lindenhurst, NJ

Dunkirk #1    Hunneman    1852    466    Dunkirk, NY    6"

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