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Established 1998

New England States Veteran Firemen's League
League Champions  1891 - 1945
After the formation of of the NESVFL in November of 1890 a tournament was held annually and the winner of the contest was crowned "World Champion". In the early years the tournament was held during the week due to better train schedules. In 1919 the contests were moved to weekends with the advent of motor trucks and cars as trains were no longer needed to get the engines and thier crews to the muster.
Date Muster Location Entries Winner Year / Builder / Serial # Hometown Stream Prize
Wed. Sept. 23, 1891 Lowell, MA 17 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 Central Falls, RI 209' 1" $150
Wed. Sept. 14, 1892 Boston, MA 22 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 Central Falls, RI 165' $150
Thur. Aug. 17, 1893 Worcester, MA 22 Hay Cart 1848 Jeffers Providence, RI 204' 7 1/2" $200
Thur. Sept. 13, 1894 Pawtucket, RI 24 Red Jacket 1854 Button S#364 Cambridge, MA 195' 10" $200
Thur. Sept. 12, 1895 Hartford, CT 17 Watch City  1855 Button Waltham, MA 212' 7 3/8" $200
Wed. Aug. 19, 1896 New Bedford, MA 23 Nonamtum 1854 Button Newton, MA 204' 4 5/8" $250
Wed. Sept. 1, 1897 Springfield, MA 29 Baw Beese 1857 Button S#446 Gardner, MA 207' 2 3/8" $200
Thur. Aug. 18, 1898 Portland, ME 28 City of Lynn 1856 Jeffers Lynn, MA 212' 8 1/2" $200
Thur. Aug. 24, 1899 Fall River, MA 35 Hay Cart 1848 Jeffers Providence, RI 192' 3" $200
Thur. Aug. 16, 1900 Waltham, MA 39 Red Jacket 1854 Button S#364 Cambridge, MA 212' 9 3/4" $200
Fri. Aug. 9, 1901 Lynn, MA 46 Red Jacket 1854 Button S#364 Cambridge, MA 227' 10 3/8" $200
Thur. July 31, 1902 Lowell, MA 45 Eureka #1 1851 Howard & Davis Arlington, MA 219' 6 3/4" $200
Thur. Aug. 20, 1903 Salem, MA 51 Okommakamesit 1861 Button S#551 Marblehead, MA 220' 8 1/2" $200
Wed. Aug. 24, 1904 Taunton, MA 34 Enterprise #2 1876 Button S#645 Campello, MA 226' 5" $200
Sun. Aug. 13, 1905 Manchester, NH 30 Alabama Coon 1851 Cowing* Stoughton, MA 205' 5 5/8" $200
Thur. Aug. 16, 1906 Providence, RI 49 Fire King 1855 Smith Pawtucket, RI 234' 9 3/4" $200
Thur. Aug. 15, 1907 Portsmouth, NH 32 Enterprise #2 1876 Button S#645 Campello, MA 201' 1/2" $200
Thur. Aug 20, 1908 Lowell, MA 63 Hancock #1 1861 Cowing Brockton, MA 226' 10 1/4" $300
Thur. Aug. 19, 1909 Lawrence, MA 41 Hancock #1 1861 Cowing Brockton, MA 246' 5" $200
Wed. Aug. 24, 1910 Fall River, MA 32 Alabama Coon 1851 Cowing* Stoughton, MA 234' 7 3/8" $200
Mon. Sept. 4, 1911 Waltham, MA 25 Hancock #1 1861 Cowing Brockton, MA 234' 2 1/2" $225
Thur. Aug. 22, 1912 Chelsea, MA 28 Nonantum 1854 Button Newton, MA 250' 7 1/2" $200
Thur. Aug. 28, 1913 Lowell, MA 22 Hancock #1 1861 Cowing Brockton, MA 231' 1/2" $200
Thur. Aug. 20, 1914 Nantasket Beach, MA 20 Union #1 1867 Hunneman S#695 Braintree, MA 216' 5" $275
Thur. Aug. 19, 1915 Marblehead, MA 24 Hancock #1 1861 Cowing Brockton, MA 214' 3 7/8" $200
Thur. Aug. 31, 1916 Providence, RI 31 Protector #3 1856 Jeffers Brockton, MA 224' 2 3/4" $200
Thur. Aug. 23, 1917 Boston, MA 24 Germania #2 1863 Button S#577 Chelsea, MA 234' 2 3/4" $200
Mon. Sept. 2, 1918 Brockton, MA 14 Enterprise #2 1876 Button S#645 Brockton, MA 211' 7 3/8" $200
Sat. Aug. 16, 1919 Wickford, RI 19 Fire King 1855 Smith Pawtucket, RI 226' 5 1/8" $200
Sat. July 3, 1920 Portland, ME 25 Sen. Baxter 1857 Button S#456 Bath, ME 236' $200
Sat. Aug. 13, 1921 Salem, MA 29 Washington #1 1874 Button S#625 Wickford, RI 226' 9 7/8" $200
Sat. Oct. 7, 1922 Brockton Fair, MA 28 Okommakamesit 1861 Button S#551 Marblehead, MA 243' 6 1/2" $275
Sat. Aug. 18, 1923 Providence, RI 29 Defiance 1860 Button S#536 Riverside, RI 249' 11 3/4" $200
Sat. Aug. 16, 1924 Newburyport, MA 27 Defiance 1860 Button S#536 Riverside, RI 199' 2 1/2" $225
Sat. Aug 8, 1925 Brockton, MA 27 Enterprise #2 1876 Button S#645 Brockton, MA 220' 2" $225
Sat. July 10, 1926 Salem, MA 27 Vixen 1895 Gleason & Bailey Berwick, ME 213' 9 3/4" $250
Mon. Sept 5, 1927 E. Greenwich, RI 28 Defiance 1860 Button S#536 N. Kingston, RI 218' 7" $250
Sat. July 28, 1928 Everett, MA 21 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 E. Greenwich, RI 253' 6" $300
Thur. July 4, 1929 Everett, MA 20 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 E. Greenwich, RI 212' $300
Sat. Aug 23, 1930 Pepperell, MA 20 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 E. Greenwich, RI 182' 6 3/4" $300
Sat. July 4, 1931 Everett, MA 15 Vixen 1895 Gleason & Bailey Berwick, ME 206' 2 1/8" $300
Sat. Oct 22, 1932 Pawtucket, RI 21 Enterprise #2 1876 Button S#645 Brockton, MA 197' 10 1/4" $300
1933 No Annual Muster Held "due to the fiscal constraints of the Depression"
Sun. June 24, 1934 Marlboro, MA 15 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 E. Greenwich, RI 231' 9" $250
Sun. June 30, 1935 Portland, ME 36 Vixen 1895 Gleason & Bailey Berwick, ME 207' $500
Sat. July 18, 1936 Providence, RI 22 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 E. Greenwich, RI 252' 1" $250
Mon. July 5, 1937 Everett, MA 16 Volunteer #4 1854 Button S#370 E. Greenwich, RI 243' $250
Sat. Aug. 6, 1938 Portsmouth, NH 25 Vixen 1895 Gleason & Bailey Berwick, ME 236' 3 1/4" $200
1939 No Annual Muster Held "due to the fiscal constraints of the Depression"

Sat. June 29, 1940 Winchendon, MA 18 Triumph 1848 Hunneman S#350 Berwick, ME 235' 1 1/2" $200
Sat. Aug. 16, 1941 Boston, MA 20 Essex #2 1882 Button S#676 Essex, MA 210' 3 1/2" $250
1942 No Annual Muster Held due to World War II    
1943 No Annual Muster Held due to World War II    
1944 No Annual Muster Held due to World War II    
1945 No Annual Muster Held due to World War II
  * in 1901 the pump in the Alabama Coon was changed from Cowing to Button pump    

1891 - 1945   1946 - 1962  1963 - Present Champion Home Page


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