Handtub Junction, USA

The Encyclopedia
American Hand Fire Engines

The Encyclopedia lists of over 2000 hand fire engine alphabetically by name. It includes the manufacturer’s name, date of construction, a brief history when available, size, current location and more. Not only is this a great reference for any hand engine lover, but also for the fire memorabilia collector to the names of companies on helmets, belts badges and more!!

In addition to the engine listing there is a hand engine builder list, a glossary of hand engine terms and several pages of information on several of America’s most noted hand engine manufacturers. The many draws, some from the pages of the maker’;s original catalog can help anyone who may be in doubt who built their engine. Also included is a coupon for a discount on future updates of this Encyclopedia.

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So get your copy today for only $23.99+ $4.00 for shipping and handling.

Encyclopedia of American Hand Fire Engines
$25.99 + $4.00 Shipping & Handling = $29.99

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